Overview of current research projects
The AOL researches production technology as well as animal and plant ecological problems, primarily in organic farming. An important research approach is the diversification of production systems with the aim of increasing their efficiency and resilience. Research is mainly carried out under field conditions.
Ongoing research projects

AMOBILA - Research on medicinal plants
Research into increasing yields and promoting biodiversity in medicinal plant cultivation. AMOBILA project optimizes cultivation methods, promotes flower visitors and focuses on knowledge transfer. For modern, high-yield and biodiverse agriculture.

D3INST - Optimize grass-clover mixtures
The research project D3INST (Decentralized Diagnostic Diversification Tool) deals with strategies for the selection and optimization of multifunctional mixtures of fine-grained legumes.

FINDIG - Encourage flower visitors in the green fallow
FINDIG stands for the promotion of flower-visiting insects through diversification in grassland management and aims to promote flower-visiting insects by increasing the diversity of species in the clover-grass mixture and reducing the use of cuttings to increase the food supply.

Pilot farms Organic farming in North Rhine-Westphalia
Practice, consulting and science are closely interlinked in this interdisciplinary project through the cooperation of 30 organic farms, the organic farming associations and the Chamber of Agriculture of North Rhine-Westphalia as well as the University of Bonn.

PHENET - Tools and methods for extended plant PHENotyping and EnviroTyping services of European Research Infrastructures
As part of the EU-funded PHENET project, research into mixed cultures is to be strategically raised to a new level.

BASIL - Importance of medicinal plant cultivation for the protection and promotion of insect diversity
The importance of medicinal plant cultivation for the protection and promotion of the diversity of insect fauna in agricultural areas. The project will focus on the importance of medicinal plant cultivation for the conservation and promotion of insect diversity in the cultivated landscape
Finished projects

DUENAMED-Fertilisation for sustainable management of edaphic diversity
The diversity of soil organisms in the agricultural landscape is of great importance, as they provide important ecosystem services in the soil.

SIMBA - „Sustainable Innovation of Microbiome Application in the Food System”
The project focusses on the targeted use of beneficial, i.e. non-pathogenic microorganisms along the entire food production value chain.

Phenorob CP 5
The cultivation of mixed crops is seen as a possible route to more sustainable agriculture, as it has the potential to increase yields and product diversity, stabilise yields and reduce the use of pesticides and fertilisers.

BONARES - Soil³: Sustainable Subsoil Management
The aim of the overall project is to better utilise the volume of the subsoil for plant growth in order to increase or at least secure crop yields.

BÖLN - Targeted irrigation in organic farming to increase productivity and nutrient efficiency
The overall objective of the project is to increase productivity in organic arable farming at crop and system level (crop rotation) by investigating the relationships between water supply and nutrient dynamics for the legume-cereal crop rotation link and providing information on irrigation suitability.

OPTIMEC - Optimisation of weed control in the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants
With the aim of substituting the use of herbicides, innovative methods for weed control in herb cultivation are to be developed as part of the project "Optimisation of weed control in the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants" (Optimech) using the example of low-competition, weed-sensitive model plants.